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Kuber Yantra (Become Rich)


In Indian mythology, it is a misconception that Lakshmi is Goddess of wealth . Actually Kuberis God of wealth while Lakhsmi is Goddess of fortune . As fortune is usually associated with wealth the misconception has risen This section is about Kuber, Indian God of wealth.
Kubera is the God of wealth & is known as Dhanpati . He is also the king of Yaksha (the guardians of Earth). As the God of wealth and material, his responsibilities are to distribute them while creating wealth is the responsibility of Lakshmi. Kubera is not an important deity and his images are very rarely seen, though he is frequently referred to in the epics. Kubera is also known as Yaksha-raja(king of the yakshas), Iccha-vasu (who has wealth at will), Nara- raja (lord over men) and Ratna-garbha (womb of jewels). Kubera is one god that all the three religions of India namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism all claim to be their own.
Kubera's domains are all in the high Himalayas, partly because he is the guardian of the North, but also because mountains are the repositories of mineral wealth. Kubera watches over the earth's storehouse of gold, silver, jewels, pearls and nine NIDHIS (special treasures).
Kubera is physically envisioned as a dwarf with an ugly and deformed body. His skin is white and he has three legs. He has a set of only eight teeth. Since Kubera was so deformed, he had difficulty in moving around. Brahma took pity and ordered Vishwakarma , the architect of the gods and a god in his own right, to build the disabled god a chariot. Vishwakarma conceived and built Pushpak, an aerial chariot which moves of its own accord and which is so large that it can contain a whole city. Kubera flies in this fantastic chariot and throws down jewels and other precious objects to people on the ground to aid them with averting poverty.